Lam Nogueira Oi Ching Bernice
Journal Information.
Revista de Enfermagem Referência 2017;5(13):157-164
Background: Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been founded for more than 2,500 years of Chinese medical practice and also been practiced in Macau since the 19th century. Recently the Macau Special Administrative Region (MSAR) Government has established the World Health Organization (WHO) Collaboration Centre for Traditional Chinese Medicine (Macau) and has focused to the investment of TCM. Education for TCM is offered in higher education institutions in MSAR, however, nursing in TCM is not yet offered as a degree program.
Objectives: Describe the healthcare system and the evolution of the western and eastern medicine in Macau; identify the quality assurance and future development of TCM; and the future challenges and implications for science and education in Macau.
Main topics under analysis: Descriptive analyses by reviewing statistical data, historical and literature review are applied in this article.
Conclusion: Macau’s characteristic eastern and western culture is reflected in the expansion of TCM. With collaboration from WHO, this will benefits the Macau’s bridging and linking role with Portuguese-speaking countries.
medicine, Chinese traditional; Macau