Expression and function of lncRNA PTENP1 in bladder cancer

YU Gan, TAO Qiye, OU Zhengyue, ZHANG Zhijing, HUANG Ying, LANG Bin


Journal Information.

J Clin Urology (China). 2017;32(10):746-750



Objective: To explore the expression regulation of long noncoding RNA (lncRNA)PTENP1 in human bladder cancer and its influence on the growth and metastasis of bladder cancer cells.

Method: Quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR was used to detect the expression of lncRNA-PTENP1 in bladder carcinoma cell lines and clinical specimens, and after that the efficacy of hypomethylating agents(5-Aza2’deoxycytidine) was detected by one kind of specific PCR MSP in bladder carcinoma cell lines and then this kind of PCR was also used in primary tumors and adjacent normal tissues. RT-qPCR was performed to verify the transfection efficiency. At last, proliferation assays and migration experiments were used to detect the role of lncRNA-PTENP1 in the development and progression in bladder cancer.

Result: The expression of lncRNA-PTENP1 is lower in bladder cancer cell lines (SCABER, HT1376, J82, EJ, T24 and 5637) and primary tumor tissues. The expression of PTENP1 is regulated by the promoter methylation. After treating with hypomethylating agents (5-Aza2’deoxycytidine), we found that the expression of lncRNA-PTENP1 could be up-regulated. The lower expression of PTENP1 in bladder carcinoma cell lines and clinical specimens were due to the promoter methylation of PTENP1 gene. And we have also found that overexpression of PTENP1 could inhibit the proliferation and migration capacity in bladder cancer.

Conclusion: DNA methylation plays a great part in the lower expression of lncRNA-PTENP1 in bladder carcinoma cell lines and clinical specimens. And lncRNA-PTENP1 plays its relevant function in bladder cancer as a tumor suppressor gene.



bladder cancer; laparoendoscopic single-site surgery; laparoscopy; oncologic outcomes; radical cystectomy; survival

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