An Explicit Pragmatic Approach to Integrative Data Analysis Strategies for Mixed Methods Research

Mei Lan Chan


Journal Information.

International Journal of Linguistics 2017;9(3):166-184



Mixed methods research is becoming an important methodology for the investigation of various topics in applied linguistics. However, data integration remains a challenge for mixed methods researchers and thus needs further development. This study discusses the integrative data analysis strategies used in an embedded mixed methods study in applied linguistics, illustrated through two phases of the study, and the way in which the adoption of a pragmatic approach explicitly aids data integration by abductive reflection on the knowledge acquired. This study investigated the language learning strategies used by English as a Foreign Language nursing students in higher education in Macao, and the effectiveness of the students’ learning outcomes as a result of strategy instruction. Six integrative data analysis strategies are discussed, and the explicit pragmatic approach that guided the exploratory sequential design sheds further light on the integrative data analysis.



Data  analysis,  Integrative  analysis,  Pragmatic  approach,  Mixed  methods, Language learning strategies, Strategy instruction

© 2019 Macao Polytechnic Institute

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